Friday, December 27, 2019
The Importance Of Education For The Individual - 1604 Words
Nick Sammartino EDU200 December 13, 2015 The Importance of Education for the Individual, and its Role in Society This being my first semester as an education major, I honestly haven’t thought much about my philosophy of teaching. However, I have always believed that education is the foundation for a successful person, and therefore, education, as a whole, is the necessary foundation for a well-rounded, functional and successful society. A number of statistics alone prove this, as the United States of America has recently faced economic crisis, fueled, in-part, by unemployment. Statistics are floating around everywhere concerning this topic. In short, more education does help ensure a job. On the flip-side, America, who once ranked first across the board in academic scores, now doesn’t even crack the top twenty in math and sciences. As a result, there are not enough Americans to fill high-paying technological jobs (most notably in Silicon Valley), and American companies are recruiting from other countries, lik e China, Japan, and India. So many of the countries issues stem from our education system, which has been on the decline. Consequently, I believe that in order to be a successful society, we must first focus on providing the best education possible to each and every individual, and in turn, bettering society as a whole. As for me: after multiple majors and years of wondering what to do with my life, I decided to get into teaching for reasons that seem obvious to meShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Physical Education and Health Education in the Development of an Individual1639 Words  | 7 PagesTHE IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND HEALTH EDUCATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDIVIDUAL Physical and health education is a significant aspect of a wholesome education around the world. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Sustainability of a Brand During Rapid Global Expansion
Strategic Marketing Case Analysis Banyan Tree: Sustainability of a Brand During Rapid Global Expansion [pic] Prof. Julie H. Yu The Chinese University of Hong Kong February 2011 A project by: Keevin Wong Ian Leung Daniel Lam Ada Leung Enoch Ma Anna Laura Riemann Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Company Background 1 1.2 S-T-P Strategy 2 1.2.1 Segmentation 2 1.2.2 Targeting 3 1.2.3 Positioning 3 1.3 Success Factors 4 1.3.1 Strong Brand Recognition 4 1.3.2 Integrated Capabilities 4 1.3.3 Triangular Business Scope 5 1.3.4 Experienced and Multi-disciplinary Management 5 2. Decision Situation 6 3. Proposed Alternatives 7 3.1 Banyan Tree Flagship†¦show more content†¦The company would like to associate the brand with customers’ memorable experience by providing unique experiences to the customers. Besides, Banyan Tree embedded CSR into the company’s values in order to add even more value to the brand. The associative value provides an emotional attachment between the brand and the customers which offers the brand a unique position inducing customers’ loyalty and supporting the company’s premium pricing. 1.3 Success Factors Banyan Tree’s success across diverse markets rests on some fundamentals. 1.3.1 Strong Brand Recognition Positioned in the very niche market, the aspirational brand philosophy of Banyan Tree supports its premium pricing. The Banyan Tree brand is highly recognized and appreciated. By the end of 2006, the hotel has received 260 awards and accolades. Selective awards received in 2006 are categorized and listed below: [pic] 1.3.2 Integrated Capabilities Banyan Tree focuses on customers’ total experience. Thus it provides comprehensive and integrated services. This business scope enables the company to create new products, bring them to market quickly and manage costs well. The triangular scope on the next page embraces the business operations of Banyan Tree. [pic] 1.3.3 Triangular Business Scope 1. Hotels - Hotel investment: investment in resorts and hotels for ownership interest - Hotel management: management of the resorts andShow MoreRelatedA Company s Performance Of The Stock Sector867 Words  | 4 Pagescompany did significantly well in the months prior, it failed to match its predictions due to global economic conditions, more specifically, its increasing efforts to expand in Europe. Therefore, many investors began to mistrust the company due to the small margin of error in its prediction. Furthermore, in 2007, Starbucks Corp. made yet another mistake. After a rapid expansion and significant growth during the previous year, the company’s stock fell by 42% that year. The underlying reason being thatRead MoreGlobalisation and the Coca-Cola Company1379 Words  | 6 PagesGlobalization and the Coca-Cola Company Introduction Today, Coca-Cola is one of most well-known brands in the world. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Cathedral Essay Example For Students
Cathedral Essay In the story Cathedral by Raymond Carver a variety of elements of short fictioncontribute to theme. Raymond Carver uses a great variety of elements to render a themethat all members of society are accepted. The point-of-view in this story puts the narrator as a participant and theprotagonist. The narrator also has limited omniscience which keeps the reader fromseeing the blind mans feelings. Early on, the narrator is rude and inconsiderate. Heoften makes rude remarks to the blind man such as what side of the train did you siton? and comments on color TV. Carver uses the narrators prejudices as a reflection ofthe many prejudices inherent on todays society. The author sympathizes with the wife. Readers can sense the feeling of the wifebeing embarrassed. She covers up for the narrators mistakes. The authors use of tonemakes the readers dislike the narrator; therefore, the readers desire a change in him. The symbols in the story help to identify theme. The cathedral, the most obvioussymbol, shows unity and common belief. A cathedral is a place where everyone is equaland accepted. The touching of the face is also a symbol. It shows the trust built betweenthe wife and the blind man. The irony in this story is that it takes a blind man to make a seeing man see. Irony is when reality is not what it appears to be. Readers think that the blind man is at adisadvantage based on the prejudices known by everyone. In reality, the blind man cansee things that seeing people are unable to see. The theme that all of these elements contribute to is that all people are equal, andthe things you lack do not matter because they are made up for in other ways.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Unexplored Depths free essay sample
The hunt for the perfect college has led me to one deciding factor: I hope to attend school somewhere near water. A river, a lake, an ocean- any body of water will do. The cities that I fall in love with are the ones reflected at night, doubling their beauty and expanding their presence, as if a parallel universe, both mysterious and wonderful, lived within the depths of the deep blue. To me, water is more than two hydrogen atoms plus an oxygen one; like people, the poetry matters just as much as the chemical makeup. Staring out at the horizon where the sky meets the water, you can’t help but feel something well up inside of you from deep within, a feeling best described as humility, for you realize how small you are in comparison to the big, bright, beautiful world. It is both a fear and a falling in love; it is an infinite appreciation for the universe which has conspired for you to be where you are today. We will write a custom essay sample on Unexplored Depths or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I felt this way driving across the bridge of the Tamsui River towards my birth city of Taipei, Taiwan, returning to my homeland after an eleven-year hiatus. I had been raised under the dry Texas sun ever since I was a baby, unused to the mountainous terrain and humidity of the country I owed my heritage to. A bubbling anxiety boiled under my skin as I entered my city for the first time. How could I honor my background when I didn’t even understand it? Where did I belong if I was a foreigner in my own country? My identity crisis mounted as the capital city loomed closer, enveloping me in a life I had never encountered. I turned away from the city and looked to my right out across the river. The blaze of city lights glowed softly back at me from the choppy waters, welcoming me to a culture that was both a stranger and a piece of me. Suddenly I found familiarity in the darkness. The enchanting beauty of water would remain the same no matter where in the world I was. From its reflection in the river, I finally saw my city unveiled as it truly was, fierce and alive. I directed my gaze back at the city itself and realized that although I had much to learn about my native country, I couldn’t wait to dive beyond the surface and explore its mysterious depths. Water calms me down. There is peace to be found even in choppy waters and stormy seas. There is joy on a rainy day and there is an eye to every hurricane. No matter what, water will always be a refresher, the coolness of diving into a swimming pool after a Texan summer day. Leaving home to venture out into the world can be a nerve-racking experience, but keeping the sound of waves close by will be like taking a piece of home with me- both a comfort and an inspiration. Leaving home to live next to the most important river in America would be an absolute dream come true. I hope I will have the opportunity to delve into St. Louis’ reservoir of knowledge and discover something about myself along the way.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Fast Track to Five Stars Textbroker University
Fast Track to Five Stars: Textbroker University Here at Textbroker, when you succeed, we also succeed, so we take serious interest in providing our authors with high-quality learning materials. By reviewing these lessons, taking them to heart and practicing what you learn, you will increase your odds of reaching that elusive fifth star tremendously. classroomCarlene PalmManager, Client Author ServicesAre you a 4-star writer with the heart of a 5-star author? Have you noticed you’re getting strong ratings evaluations, with only one or two errors highlighted? Maybe there’s a missing hyphen, a set of nonessential clause commas or an occasional typo that’s keeping you from otherwise perfect articles. If you’re ready for the next level, Textbroker wants to help you reach 5-star status quickly with TBU.What is TBU?Textbroker University is a set of tutorials and quizzes designed to help you brush up on those couple of grammar skills that might be holding you back from perfection. Our editors have put together the most common errors that we find are keeping our 4-star authors from reaching five stars and put them in a handy pdf that you can download and keep by your side while you’re writing. Plus, you’ll find an AP Style cheat sheet, and we give you tips for identifying common grammar obstacles so that you can add them to your proofreading arsenal. Whats Covered by TBU?Below are a few of the sections covered by TBU. After you go through each section online, you’ll find a link to a quiz and, ultimately, have a chance at a Final Evaluation test that puts you on the fast track to an expedited 5-star review. In the meantime, make sure your assigned writing reflects what you’ve learned so that it can be accurately evaluated. Adverbial Clauses. One of the toughest grammar rules is the adverbial clause. Subordinating conjunctions begin adverbial clauses and tell you how, when or why, adding complexity to a sentence. Common examples of subordinating conjunctions are because, when, if, since and although. When you sign up for TBU, you’ll learn a clever trick to identify whether you have an adverbial clause and where and when to place the commas. Hyphens. It’s easy enough to say that hyphens connect compound adjectives, but it can be tricky to identify them. Plus, hyphens turn two words into one, and sometimes, you are this close to hitting that minimum word count. Ultimately, though, they’re another essential part of making a sentence clear. You can check out our hyphen blog to help with preparing for the TBU hyphen quiz. Nonessential Clauses. Comma placement stumps even the best writers. And while you might be a pro when it comes to placing a comma before a coordinating conjunction that links two independent clauses, knowing whether a phrase within a sentence is essential or not can be more complicated.The ProcessIf you’re a 4-star author looking to improve your writing and boost your income, sign up for Textbroker U niversity. Step 1. Read the TBU packet and take the practice quizzes. Step 2. Take the Final Evaluation test. If you don’t pass, you can retake it once a month. Step 3. Take the 5-star advancement test. You might have already taken Textbroker’s proofreading test. If you passed it or if you already took the new 5-star advancement test, you won’t have to repeat this step. Step 4. Now that you’re armed with new tips and tricks, complete some new orders so that we can see you demonstrate your improved writing capabilities. Step 5. Contact Textbroker Author Services at [emailprotected], and request the 5-star expedited rating. Step 6. If your expedited rating contains no errors, you will automatically be promoted to 5 stars. If errors are found, you are still eligible for 5 stars once you achieve the standard two flawless evaluations.Reach For The StarsHere at Textbroker, when you succeed, we also succeed, so we take serious interest in providing our authors w ith high-quality learning materials. By reviewing these lessons, taking them to heart and practicing what you learn, you will increase your odds of reaching that elusive fifth star tremendously. Good luck, authors!
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Definition and Examples of Paragraphing in Essays
Definition and Examples of Paragraphing in Essays Paragraphing is the practice of dividing a text into paragraphs. The purpose of paragraphing is to signal shifts in thinking and give readers a rest. Paragraphing is a way of making visible to the reader the stages in the writers thinking (J. Ostrom, 1978). Although conventions about the length of paragraphs vary from one form of writing to another, most style guides recommend adapting paragraph length to your medium, subject, and audience. Ultimately, paragraphing should be determined by the rhetorical situation. Examples and Observations Paragraphing is not such a difficult skill, but it is an important one. Dividing up your writing into paragraphs shows that you are organized, and makes an essay easier to read. When we read an essay we want to see how the argument is progressing from one point to the next.Unlike this book, and unlike reports, essays dont use headings. This makes them look less reader-friendly, so it is important to use paragraphs regularly, to break up the mass of words and to signal the making of a new point. . . . An unparagraphed page gives the reader the feeling of hacking away through a thick jungle without a track in sight- not very enjoyable and very hard work. A neat series of paragraphs acts like stepping stones that can be followed pleasurably across the river.(Stephen McLaren, Essay Writing Made Easy, 2nd ed. Pascal Press, 2001) Paragraphing Basics The following principles should guide the way paragraphs are written for undergraduate assignments:​ Every paragraph should contain a single developed idea...The key idea of the paragraph should be stated in the opening sentence of the paragraph...Use a variety of methods to develop your topic sentences...Finally, use connectives between and within paragraphs to unify your writing... (Lisa Emerson, Writing Guidelines for Social Science Students, 2nd ed. Thomson/Dunmore Press, 2005) Structuring Paragraphs Long paragraphs are daunting- rather like mountains- and they are easy to get lost in, for both readers and writers. When writers try to do too much in a single paragraph, they often lose the focus and lose contact with the larger purpose or point that got them into the paragraph in the first place. Remember that old high school rule about one idea to a paragraph? Well, its not a bad rule, though it isnt exactly right because sometimes you need more space than a single paragraph can provide to lay out a complicated phase of your overall argument. In that case, just break wherever it seems reasonable to do so in order to keep your paragraphs from becoming ungainly.When you draft, start a new paragraph whenever you feel yourself getting stuck- its the promise of a fresh start. When you revise, use paragraphs as a way of cleaning up your thinking, dividing it into its most logical parts.(David Rosenwasser and Jill Stephen, Writing Analytically, 5th ed. Thomson Wadsworth, 2009) Paragraphing and the Rhetorical Situation The form, length, style, and positioning of paragraphs will vary, depending on the nature and conventions of the medium (print or digital), the interface (size and type of paper, screen resolution, and size), and the genre. For example, paragraphs in a newspaper are quite a bit shorter, typically, than paragraphs in a college essay because of the newspapers narrow columns. On a website, paragraphs on the opening page may consist of more signposts than would be typical in a printed work, allowing readers to select which direction to track via hyperlink. Paragraphs in a work of creative nonfiction will likely include transitional words and sentence structures not often found in lab reports. In short, the rhetorical situation should always guide your use of paragraphing. When you understand paragraph conventions, your audience and purpose, your rhetorical situation, and your writings subject matter, you will be in the best position to decide how to use paragraphs strategically and effectively to teach, delight, or persuade with your writing. (David Blakesley and Jeffrey Hoogeveen, The Thomson Handbook. Thomson Learning, 2008)​ Editing by Ear for Paragraphs We think of paragraphing as an organizational skill and may teach it in conjunction with the prewriting or planning stages of writing. I have found, however, that young writers understand more about paragraphing and cohesive paragraphs when they learn about them in conjunction with editing. When developing writers know the reasons for paragraphing, they more readily apply them in the editing stage than in drafting. Just as students can be trained to hear end punctuation, they can also learn to hear where new paragraphs start and when sentences are off the topic.(Marcia S. Freeman, Building a Writing Community: A Practical Guide, rev. ed. Maupin House, 2003)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Family Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Family Law - Essay Example n his judgment, Lord Nicholls was of the view that: â€Å"Often than not, tribunals and courts in interpreting the requirement threshold outline under section 31 0f the Act have constantly have to decide whether or not an alleged event actually took place. In his wise decision, Lord Nicholls further observed that as a general rule where there is a possibility that a past event might have taken place then that is proof enough to the requisite standard or threshold and the law regards such an incident as definitely having taken place†2 The legal implication of such a decision by the court is that the determination should be made following the statutory, legal policy or otherwise. Consequently, determination of such an issue is susceptible to change since it is the judiciary and not the legislature that sets the policy and it is still in the hands of the court to reconsider the viability solution for the problem. In the case of Lancashire County Council and Another v. Barlow and Another and One Other Action Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead stated that the court is empowered under section 31(1) of the 1989 Children Act to make an order putting the child under the local authority supervision or placing him or her under the care of local authority, or even under the care of a probate officer. Nevertheless, certain minimum conditions must be met before the court making such an order this conditions are usually referred to as threshold conditions. These threshold conditions are outlined under section 31(2) the 1989 Children Act which reads: A care order or a supervision order may be made by a court if it satisfied _ a); that the child in question is suffering, or is likely to suffer, substantial harm; and b). that the harm, or possibility of harm, is actually attributable to the... Courts have held that they are empowered under section 31(1) of the 1989 Children Act to make an order putting the child under the local authority supervision or placing him or her under the care of local authority, or even under the care of a probate officer. Nevertheless, certain minimum conditions must be met before the court making such an order this conditions are usually referred to as threshold conditions. These conditions include: that the child in question is suffering, or is likely to suffer, substantial harm; and that the harm, or possibility of harm, is actually attributable to the care accorded to the child, or the care likely to be given to the child in the event the order was not made, and the care not being what it would be rational to suppose a parent to give the child; or where the child is beyond control of the parent . The court further noted that in the interpretation of section 31 of the Children Act of 1989, particular attention should be paid under section 1(3 ) of the Act which sets out the Childs' welfare checklist. The welfare checklist under the foregoing section includes consideration of any harm that the child is at risk of suffering or any harm that the child concerned has suffered and the capability of each of the child's parent to satisfy the needs of the child. Accordingly, the connection between the casual likelihood need not be that direct, sole, or dominant cause and effect and that a causal connection that is contributory meet the requirements.
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